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Happy Mercury Direct day from your friends here at Mercury Direct.

As a collective, we are experiencing a big death. This is an opportunity for great change as we find the courage to let go of old perspectives, self-images, thought-forms, old habits, addictions, and old ways of being.

Some of us are struggling more than others, but know that it's okay to feel all the heaviness. It's okay to be present with these emotions. It's okay to let them flow, and it's okay to let them go. Don't rush through this process. Please be kind and gentle with yourself, allowing your shadows to show up to ask for love. Please give yourself grace as you may be facing parts of you that you never wanted to see. We all have shadows and shortcomings. We're on a journey of finding peace with those parts of us, allowing them to exist, and finding ways to love them.

I encourage my friends to be soft and generous with yourself, and allow that grace to extend outward to your friends and family.

For those of us whom have never experienced ego death, it may feel far more scary and dramatic than it needs to be. The ego often confuses ego death with physical death, because it is dying, but you are not. Please look out for your friends and family for signs of suicide. If possible, create a safe space for them to be witnessed. Often times, people just want to be seen and heard. If you are feeling suicidal, please know that the death you might be craving doesn't have to be a physical death. You can allow only those parts of you that cause pain and suffering to die, so that you can be reborn in this life. This is a spiritual death. If anyone needs extra help, call 800-273-8255, the US National Suicide Hotline, or find one in your country.

Ego death doesn't have to be dramatic or traumatic. Those fears and psychological mechanisms that bring confusion and pain, those are the pieces we bury in the dirt, transmute with fire, baptize with water, or release to the wind.

I want to remind my friends that ego death and rebirth happens simultaneously. Think of how volcanos destroy old terrain and create new earth. If the death is too much, it's okay to shift your attention to the rebirth.

There comes a moment when we are in the darkest of nights, when we choose to breathe through the pain instead of react to it, the moment comes when the energy shifts and we feel the breaking dawn bringing light to places in our lives that was one dark.

How can I fill these empty spaces with joy and peace? How can I create a new way of life that will satisfy my soul? What is my purpose? How can I change the way I see myself? How can I support my own growth? Can I allow myself more joy? Can I discipline myself out of harmful habits and addictions? Can I reparent my inner children so that they feel confident and safe in this chaotic world? What steps do I need to take to start building my best life now?

Remember that rebirth entails holistic change. If we want these changes to stick, we should put in the effort of changing our thoughts, speech, and habits. This work is so rewarding.

Sometimes we have a vision of rebirth, our butterfly wings and its beautiful colors and patterns. Sometimes we get premonitions of flight, then go back into the cocoon of death for another round of grief. That is okay. While some of us are ready to fly right now!

Wherever you are in this process, know that we are all feeling this on some level, and that the Universe / Spirit / God / Love is supporting you every step of the way. The energies are ripe for miraculous healing, manifestation, and big shifts in direction.

In the image of our Creator, we are creative beings. I pray that we create a healthy new world of peace, justice, abundance, and Love. Bless up, my friends.


Ikaika & Alethia

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Updated: Nov 12, 2020

It is a time of great uncertainty, and we have bore witness to the shadows that live among us like vampiric day-walkers, with fear and anxiety in our hearts. We are in this together.

The people have been divided by race, gender, class, nationality, religion. Here in the US, we have been divided by political party. Most of us know that in order to overthrow our collective oppressors, we need to come together, to recognize each other as family, and learn to speak from the heart. Yet at times this may seem so far from a tangible reality.

I want to acknowledge that much of this conflict is necessary. We are like a dysfunctional family trying our hands at family therapy. Our parents are corrupt. Our siblings deny their guilt and point their fingers. Our children don't know who to trust. Our doctors are ill-educated and discredited. Still, we show up to therapy because we love our nation. We love our family. This is the good fight.

Yet there are some battles that are completely unnecessary. Arguments that lack reason. Social media bullies looking for a fight. That nasty word on the tip of our tongues. It's time to walk away from unnecessary war. Let's pick our battles wisely, and learn to make peace within ourselves.

For many warriors, finding peace is a lifelong ambition that is not easy, but always worth it. When we bring our peace to family therapy, we are more likely to heal as a nation.

A great healing is upon us. Our nation was built on the graves of the indigenous, on the backs of enslaved human beings. These injustices are not just past, they are present. They have been engrained into our culture by design. Now is a time of reckoning. This therapy session is long overdue.

For many of us, coming to family therapy is scrolling through social media. The Dems did this, the Repubs did that, he said, she said, blah, blah, blah. It's like we're stuck in a reality TV nightmare but we can't look away or we might miss something we don't want to see.

It's time for all of us to pull up our big-person undies and build those bridges with ourselves, our family members, our neighbors, our friends. It's time to call our loved ones and tell them that we care, to apologize if we hurt them, and to be open to vulnerable conversation and tough discussion.

That means standing up for our values in ways that do not oppress others. To know that we are not the only ones hurting, though we hurt in different ways, to different degrees. To be open to listening with the intention to understand. This might mean doing our own research and trying to relate to the struggles of different demographics.

If we can do this with the people we love, we can eventually open our circles wider and wider, until we realize that we truly are one family.

We can't afford to watch our civilization fall to fascism or oligarchy, while we cross our fingers and hope that someone does something. We must do something. We must become a better version of ourselves so that we can be the change, live the change, go out and affect the change.

Remember that we the decent people of this world outnumber the corrupt by far. This is our world.

No matter what happens tonight, no matter how dark it may or may not seem, remember that the morning light will come. Give and receive Love. Holdfast to undying hope. Hug a tree. Pray, sing, dance, and dare to manifest our highest dreams.

On Earth as it is in Heaven... So it is.

Bless up,


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Updated: Oct 22, 2020

Hey everyone. Alethia & Ikaika here, wishing you all a happy Mercury Direct day. We chose to name our business Mercury Direct because we believe that our purpose is tied to bringing messages to the collective through various mediums. Thanks for following us. :)

Today, we’d like to acknowledge the hardships that many of us are enduring as towers continue to crash all around us, many times under our feet, in our family units, social circles, and places of employment. We want to honor the revolution that is happening within us and all around us. 

We have been witnessing and processing the energies that are crumbling: corrupt power structures; ancestral trauma; social, economic, and environmental injustice; demographic / political divisions; and so much resistance to change. Our hearts are with anyone and everyone consciously and unconsciously working these energies. We want to honor the need for grace, compassion, self-care, and healthy boundaries.

There is a natural tension between conservatism and progress. This tension serves both parties when it is balanced and healthy. The elder generation reminds us of wisdom from the past, while the younger brings visions of the future. When both parties can sit down and speak from the heart, wisdom is shared and compromise is made. The problem is that we have not been communicating effectively.

We may be speaking the same language, using the same words, but we mean very different things. Translations of words are subjective to our experiences, learning, and cultures. We are often clouded by the distortions of emotional triggers, assumptions, and deceptions. The word God might mean “Love” or “Home” to some of us, while to others it might mean “control,” “rape,” or “genocide.” Our words matter so much.

It seems that PC culture can easily get out of hand when people start feeling afraid to speak. It’s one thing to be careful with our words, knowing that they have impact. It’s another thing to be to afraid of rejection or making mistakes. It’s okay to make mistakes. This is how we learn. 

When we agree on a balanced form political correctness, we can create a new language that is intentionally clear and concise. Since we are a majority of minorities, everyone's issues, struggles, and causes are important. It's time to learn to listen and speak with our hearts. It might take some time for us to learn while we look within ourselves and unravel the social conditioning that got us here. The revolution is both within and without. We can do this.

We are at a most critical moment in human history. We believe that we have what it takes to shift the fate of humanity to create a world of peace, justice, and harmony. 

“In these desperate times

Love will hold us here

Love will join our hands

Teach us to have no fear

So we lay our hate down

To wash their feet

When we see our brother

Oh, we'll all be free...”

—William Matthews, “We’ll All Be Free”

Alethia & Kaika

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