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Mercury Direct on Election Day

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

It is a time of great uncertainty, and we have bore witness to the shadows that live among us like vampiric day-walkers, with fear and anxiety in our hearts. We are in this together.

The people have been divided by race, gender, class, nationality, religion. Here in the US, we have been divided by political party. Most of us know that in order to overthrow our collective oppressors, we need to come together, to recognize each other as family, and learn to speak from the heart. Yet at times this may seem so far from a tangible reality.

I want to acknowledge that much of this conflict is necessary. We are like a dysfunctional family trying our hands at family therapy. Our parents are corrupt. Our siblings deny their guilt and point their fingers. Our children don't know who to trust. Our doctors are ill-educated and discredited. Still, we show up to therapy because we love our nation. We love our family. This is the good fight.

Yet there are some battles that are completely unnecessary. Arguments that lack reason. Social media bullies looking for a fight. That nasty word on the tip of our tongues. It's time to walk away from unnecessary war. Let's pick our battles wisely, and learn to make peace within ourselves.

For many warriors, finding peace is a lifelong ambition that is not easy, but always worth it. When we bring our peace to family therapy, we are more likely to heal as a nation.

A great healing is upon us. Our nation was built on the graves of the indigenous, on the backs of enslaved human beings. These injustices are not just past, they are present. They have been engrained into our culture by design. Now is a time of reckoning. This therapy session is long overdue.

For many of us, coming to family therapy is scrolling through social media. The Dems did this, the Repubs did that, he said, she said, blah, blah, blah. It's like we're stuck in a reality TV nightmare but we can't look away or we might miss something we don't want to see.

It's time for all of us to pull up our big-person undies and build those bridges with ourselves, our family members, our neighbors, our friends. It's time to call our loved ones and tell them that we care, to apologize if we hurt them, and to be open to vulnerable conversation and tough discussion.

That means standing up for our values in ways that do not oppress others. To know that we are not the only ones hurting, though we hurt in different ways, to different degrees. To be open to listening with the intention to understand. This might mean doing our own research and trying to relate to the struggles of different demographics.

If we can do this with the people we love, we can eventually open our circles wider and wider, until we realize that we truly are one family.

We can't afford to watch our civilization fall to fascism or oligarchy, while we cross our fingers and hope that someone does something. We must do something. We must become a better version of ourselves so that we can be the change, live the change, go out and affect the change.

Remember that we the decent people of this world outnumber the corrupt by far. This is our world.

No matter what happens tonight, no matter how dark it may or may not seem, remember that the morning light will come. Give and receive Love. Holdfast to undying hope. Hug a tree. Pray, sing, dance, and dare to manifest our highest dreams.

On Earth as it is in Heaven... So it is.

Bless up,


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YesmaiJedi Ana
YesmaiJedi Ana
03 nov. 2020

On point 👌

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